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Brand Ambassador FAQ

How do I apply to be a StuddedRoseNails Brand Ambassador?

To apply to our Brand Ambassador program please fill out the Ambassador Application. 

Please be prepared to submit a hand photo for possible Hand Model Photo shoots.

All applicants must be 18 years or older. 

Submission Deadline is Currently: Open

Once submissions are closed we will start the reviewing process and will contact everyone with their results. 

What are my benefits as a StuddedRoseNails Ambassador?

  • Free StuddedRoseNails products.
  • Access to Pre-release items.
  • You will receive your very own discount code for all of your future purchases.
  • A special discount code to share with your followers. 
  • Features on our Website.
  • We also share photos of our Ambassadors in their StuddedRoseNails products on our Instagram page where they will be tagged! In doing so this will help gain you more social media exposure, which is particularly helpful for any aspiring social media influencers.

 If you'd like to join the StuddedRoseNails team CLICK HERE to apply today!

If you ever have any questions or comments about our Ambassador Program, feel free to send us an email at



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